The very high seas of media led motivation
You don't have to be Einstein to recognise that Flannerys and Gore's flirt with the media over climate change is unsustainable; you just have to be a sustainability expert.
You thought children were the only ones to change the goal posts on a whim? Try politicians on the subject of the environment and healthcare. Don't be tricked again into some " big immmediate imperative"; some fear , some fancy ,some half baked reaction. Join us in being ahead of the game - sponsored by Emperor's Academy.
You don't have to be Einstein to recognise that Flannerys and Gore's flirt with the media over climate change is unsustainable; you just have to be a sustainability expert.
The three amigos HT and C arrived in the country this week , raising more dust than was helpful in our predictably cloudless sky. Either something happened on the way, or they left from different places because they did not arrive here together or with the same message . Lots of dust was raised when they arrived and it appears to have clouded the vision of why they came, and just what they were going to do about water , once they got here .
"Crikey" , even crikey can't get past the hype . Foreign coorespeondenet does a questionable story on flooding islands in the pacific a few wekks ago ( and not one squark is heard anbout tectonics in that simple story or should we say construct ---allowing, as one margaret mead did some decades before, the allowance of the residents to tell reporters what they wanted to hear ???