Tuesday, November 26, 2024

When Parliament panics, thinking people want these dangerous people arrested

 You would do at a home if it was YOUR HOUSE
"Go to your room till you calm down!"

YOU WON'T GO TO SLEEP like you would in Parliament listening to this leader with  a brain   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGsz4kh2ZWM&t=4713s

Green Labor are in a very desperate mood. They spend money like water and it's not working.
Worse they panicked with COVID risk  ( esp in Victoria where fear and ignorance seems like bread and butter ) and now they repeat their avoidable panic over young people and the internet.
It looks good to them--that's all that matters .  How things look .
PLUS now anything seems better than nothing when the wheels are falling off ; when the threats are so real you have to jail the escaping criminals before Christmas
Every cool head knows this PANIC to be the case. 
No party should gets leadership to call their ideas mandated  but  this lot do it in a blatant and hypocritical way. (5- 50 % of group telling the others what is right>
 All parties, however small, can have bills forwarded to the 100%
But only one super arrogant group thinks they KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING;  the testimony in their hearts and on the ground is totally against them.
No one credible chatterer amongst them at the moment. 
No party gets their bills passed by kicking the reform readings in the  
even the Teals and Jacquie lambie have been bought off.