Apparently the issue in the Otways is not Biodiversity but Catchment protection. Seems that cities of many greens like Apollo bay and Deans marsh get the best protection , then Geelong ,sort of . The rural water districts of Warnambool and Western district supplies must be a bit different , somehow- they missed out on the protection given to the others. You can log in there neighbourhood ,its doesn't impact quite as much -for some reason?
Moving targets
You thought children were the only ones to change the goal posts on a whim? Try politicians on the subject of the environment and healthcare. Don't be tricked again into some " big immmediate imperative"; some fear , some fancy ,some half baked reaction. Join us in being ahead of the game - sponsored by Emperor's Academy.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
According to the sales assistant in the Kennett era, Mark Vallie would make a good new NP leader - he's into selling stock apparently . The popularity of simple solutions in the information age is understandable, if not acceptable . No longer though can our chanting church distinguish between a sale in the asset column and a sale in the economic sustainability column ( sorry if if I left you behind!) More
Apparently a good salesman can dress up anything to look like anything else . anyone for freshly rapped colourpaper spuds for 1 cent each? .sorry the wrapping would cost more than the item !