Monday, May 13, 2024

Why do polys go where angels fear to tread ?

Starting with some of the worst and most common 

  1.  They have never grown up and lived
     in the real world

    - where things are more complicated
    - they think the worlds they have lived are real- 
    - where worlds they have lived in are full of good intention 
    - where worlds they have lived in appear to be full of good intention but are full of deception and misconception because the attempts by the incumbents to implement things fail and fail regularly  
    They have to say say something that is popular to stay in power 
    They have to offer new solutions to old problems to stay in power 

    Thomas Sowell: There Are No Solutions - YouTube

    2. Being failed in science, they are spooked by controversy involving more than one fact 
    3  Being failed in science, they think they are safe running to academia . No effective practical graduate of University would do what they do-- in faith ,

    Why do the media give oxygen to those who are clearly depriving them and us of true understanding and real world management of real risks? The dumbing down of Australia. 

Common reasons for confidence 
  • What they say is popular.  They like to think popular means right . 
  • ( rarer) They have been successful  in some field and think they know how to fix things.  

Other drivers ( especially now in Mat 2024) 
The people are desperate for a savior. 
- "I wanna be that savior "

-It doesn't matter that i don't know much because they even cultivate ideas like that below
"I think more pressure from me would force someone to do something " ( typical of some one time candidates ) 

Stupid incomplete ideas like 

"I know where the evil element lies" 
- in big business  ,
- in the other side
-- in some threat from outside 

Having put a few thought here
I have a feeling that my potential problem is not outside but inside

and I need to consult the angels. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

We are all seeking power, but to what end ?

" Human nature, when seeking power, wants either to play the victim or create victims of others.

Once we start feeling sorry for ourselves will soon find someone else to blame . accuse or attack- and with impunity. " Richard Rohr 

Much industry of men must of necessity be unproductive( we are always learning)
If we don't admit our failures, we will compound the amount of accumulated grief of incompetence that we bear. Humanity is dominated not by solutions but the tendency towards fear and hate because we really can't solve the deep problems we face personally and incompletely. 

If Richard is right many, instead of dropping their grief burden, spend time in public discourse pretending they are still solving problems when they are building like Boffin,a pile of ashes ;
--an attempt to burn the light or pretend to burn the light by burning down others lights???

Pretend problem solving (quickfix) is the pretense of our age
"We are hell bent on Fixits , uncomfortable with struggle or with sadness" . 
We need to let go of trying so hard. Sunday is coming ..........when we should all rest.  

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

WE know the church has lost it way when it tries to be popular

 Components of The Anglican Church want to change the way God  followers  talk about God so it fits in not with the context of whose talking about what  then , but whose talking PC correctness now. 
 Christ followers and the prophets of old have never been popular and the essence of spiritual truth peace and wholeness has never been obvious to the casual observer ; Those of us who know the deeper truths of following God know that God is not in your face or for sale ; we all still have questions but they are subsumed in a recognition that God is God and we need to trust God for some things. 
This is quite logical if God is to be God and not the product of our own rationalizations.
Mark Durie does a great job of demolishing those who would presume to redefine our Creator's role and desire for all men and women ,too simple , too sexual and too much like human relationships. Fear and Love God above all things .   

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Why Agroecology is the new Agriculture

The present preoccupation of the Industrial West with getting the last drop out of the production process in Agriculture is wrong

Who said this ?
A group of professional scientists with a wide range of experience .  Sure  we may not always agree on much ( eg The how for example or all of the points below of mine  ) but we agree on one thing ; (We had a 50 yr reunion of Melbourne University degree graduates a few weeks ago. 

The thing that still IS  but not OUGHT to be is :

We agree  THAT :
The present preoccupation of the Industrial West with getting the last drop out of the production process in Agriculture is wrong

I won't give you all the reasons why because it would take far too long. 
All YOU need to know is that  for a much more sustainable world 
There should be no more talk of 

  1. --How we need more kilograms per hectare to feed the world 
  2. --How we need to produce more kilograms per hectare for farmers to make a living. We can and should often pay them a little more to produce a little less. That's a matter of fine-tuning; something neither government's wannabes or the press are good at. 
  3. --Technical cures to the hunger problem when distribution, planning and proper pressure and payment is the issue for the modern era  
  4. --The need to just pay only the lowest price for food. ( a big ask ?) Pay a bit more and people get properly paid and when you can't afford it - you can't afford it. Eat something else ..that is cheaper. 
  5. --Trees are the ideal landscape when we live in the Savannah where there are sparse trees, a season for everything and most life is supported to live and die each year.   
  6. --Subsistence farming when natural recycling in ecosystems can be greatly assisted by engineering and transport and the suffering of living on the margins can be largely avoided.
  7. --Careless use of the word toxic  when every chemical has a lethal dose   
  8. --Widespread scarcity when there is widespread abundance. 
  9. --Widespread threats when there are usually only localized threats and agroecologists are good at anticipating and dealing with them. 
  10. --The growing need for government money when all farmers want is a fair price for their work. Just a little more than what the pure market might give them 
  11. --The inherent badness of profits and assets. Profit is, with land, the rare  cash bit after costs are deducted and it's not much anywhere in Agriculture ( historically, the return to capital on farms all around the world is less than 5%) 
  12. --The growing need for government intervention when governments are known, unlike industry, for wasting money on missed targets. 
  13. --City-based fears about the risk of some environmental threat when farmers  with that threat closely every day, and acroecologist's over a lifetime.
  14. --No need for professional ecologists - thoroughly trained and experienced agroecologists when most people recognize the need for them to be on the ground;  to protect and enhance the ecosystems of our sensitive world. 
  15. --"The ideal of only natural systems agriculture" when, in Australia those natural systems ( like ants, droughts, leaching and burning ) have degraded soils in ways that can often be reversed and by acceptable risk methods.
  16. --Resilience by those who never test or allow testing and pressure on living systems
  17. --How wonderful celebrations about new ways to make the paddock more productive in the short term ,when the long term sustainable use is what should be celebrated 
  18. --How Landcare and volunteering can substitute for the long-term training in physics and chemistry that our forefathers paid dearly for and which is really NECESSARY if  young people are really to help quell the city's fears about risk taking  with the NECESSARY environmental pressures 
  19. --Resilience and risk taking ..without accepting the agro-ecologists view of how it's done  and who is to author it ( via for example the planning scheme)
  20. --Just letting farmers do what they like, when they do take high risks, The city audience does need to be convinced that landowners and big businesses are accountable in a world which is risk-averse and fearful.  Farmers need people who understand and can defend their actions when they are dealing with risk to vulnerable ecosystems that are owned by everybody.

That is --the world needs more Agroecologists 
That's another thing we agree upon,
There should be more of us ( including your children) and we should be out there to ensure that proper risk and resilience actions are taken with our earth, its biodiversity and its protection and wilding when necessary.   

Friday, December 02, 2022

Always a new way to change the world --

 "That I invented"  ,.How sad is this constant  imposition of our own vanity on the unsolved problems of others . 

And that will fail , like all before , because the science is incomplete 
I am here quoting myself in response to yet another confused contribution to CO2 reduction and its shaky focus today in"soil regenerative  agriculture", let alone management of human understanding and behavior . 

This strange mismatch, if  anything is an example of the many unprofitable new attempts to match science and philosophy and reflects the deeper truth that questions of world view are actually more critical in restoring balance on the ground than many people managers every realize. 
Polys don't know what they are doing , but they will never admit it .  Their daily torrents  are products of a technological worship society  who search the screen. They join with the popular but drug induced dose of being wasteful;  just collector's of ingredients and authors of the resulting technicolor yawns ( aussie expression ) .

Each tried and tested recipe of faith has  its own way of making life work easier,  but

The no faith no value no patience  try before properly tested values  of our day just leads to the values / technique mess we are now in where governments change values and techniques daily. 

AND we and our children pay for it . Lets get serious--- this is wrong . SKIING  spending the kids inheritance ; giving them jobs  in cleaning up the mess ( reactive ) not precision  careers in Science

Dumb post Christian politicians eager to straighten up what cannot be easily untwisted do not recognize that the human condition is the stumbling block to progress-- not science. "

 This website is a new and welcome site .

Friday, February 11, 2022

Liberal progressives are some of the most lazy and pathetic people

 As Rowan Dean pointed out only yesterday on SKY NEWS, the lazy thinking  well-heeled libs are really the most backward of any wannabes in their thinking and moral commitment  ( the two go together?) It should be shocking!!!

The recent group of rebels  ( over an issue they don't understand )  like the less smart Turnbull, lied to the the party by seeking to change the party from within with ideas that aren't the values and methods of the party.
They should resign B4 they will be seen to be the pathetic one eyed one issue people they are. 

Liberals, like all people we admire, are at their best when they don't lie to themselves; and at their very worst when they do.  When they don't allow the ends in their meager and minor target minds to justify the means.  

These rich in name only types want to,  after ripping off the world, pretend they can change it - such blatant hypocrisy.    We pray these twits don't ruin the  conservative parties future 
And they do it in the name of causes and fears that don't stand up to scrutiny in any practical thinking group. eg that "religious" people aren't entitled to protection from discrimination .by letting themselves be worried by the idea of religion as poison ( Not something practical psyches accept)  and copycat crap about decarbonizing and Net-zero, they show themselves even more incompetent than that short of short Shorten.

The really troubling thing for most of us who want to support conservatives is Morrisons vulnerability to soft headed thinking.
One can only imagine that he still doesn't see the false shallow faith of most progressives and technique worshipers ( practical people don't wish things they design things ) .
WE know these people as shallow just as earlier leaders saw them as destined to remain incompetent because of their lives/minds being constrained by dilatancy - pretending to understand complex issues when they clearly don't. Spurred on by their heretical and doomed religion of  " automatic progress".

Sadly,it does seem to many people ( years of training by TV advertisers ?) that the worst thing one can be is a bit backward = slow to change.  Its this stupidity that has led to an education system being fascination focused rather than competency focused - as Asians and our neglect of historical studies are demonstrating. 

I understand how young  Libs want to be progressive about care of the earth issues  BUT they mustn't fall for the left's common myth -  that you can solve these things without intensive cooperative, boring STUDY . 
Naming the issue is NOTHING  but they make it everything. 
Watch Albo try to make most of fusion before the election . Morrison needs to get in first because the public are impatient for answers that work(which nuclear power does and is in his orbit )  

Politics follows competency - it seldom leads it,  as the group of increasingly airy airy types who dare to go where Hacker should fear to tread let themselves believe.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

We are about to see through The Emperors new clothes.

Been the best of times for Emperor's around the world for the last 2 years .
Never before ,in the history of the West,  have so many been expected to front up to the world with their latest creations.  And never before has it gone down so well . 
.Never have these well dressed people been so popular. 
Never has there been so much NEW clothes work generated around trying to stop COVID

It couldn't  of course last ,and few of us who have seen these games being played before simply can't believe its gone on for this long.   The phrases they are now using were written in the book on Corona viruses over 50years  ago . "Ever changing, as are the antigen requirements" . 

Strangely to those of us who actually have produced a result , there is still no talk of cost benefit - we hope that will come,  but its not going to make the meddlers look good. so it may not happen .  

The Emperors and their advisors don't really know what they are doing (and have been doing) but it hasn't seemed to matter;  each week a new problem and a new solution are required -Such is  our addiction to a faith in automatic  progress with change that the lack of a stable target is, sadly ) not of concern to most people .

 .All we need to keep the crisis going is new clothes . 

The truth would have outed earlier except for the media feeding frenzy and the public myth making that we can stop something that we have always" had to live with ". ( Finally today the Prime Minister used that very phrase -- about time).|
read about the disease in earlier posts .
The new old elements in this case are in order 

  1. THE EVIL AGENT  instead of being sold for what it is ( one of a KNOWN range of lung threats with  ecologies to match ) the Premier of Victoria decides to call it A  NEW and EVIL agent  needing ELIMINATION  - hence  testing and tracing . His idea his twist. 
  2. ELIMINATION  becomes the ANSWER 
  3. When Andrews ( leading the quick fiz) realized elimination of his evil agent was not going to happen, he QUICKFIXLY moved to NEW  - he  chose the only option he could see VACCINATION 
  4.  But to be ahead of everyone else ( ie NEW ) he nominated MANDITORY VACCINATION even though vaccination of itself ,seemed reasonable. Mandatory did not,  but it was NEW   
  5. MANDITORY VACCINATION will presumably be seen in history as the name of Andrews  answer naming train  . It doesn't matter and it never matters whether it works or is a clear example of over reach. He has done it all before,  as have others .
     The only thing that matters is to be the first, and Andrews is the leader in that expensive nonsense.This nonsense is only possible because of a high level of  scientific illiteracy and argument from authority /agenda control acceptance across the population. 
    Interestingly RAT testing may mean a quicker end to the crisis,  simply because the States will lose credibility, as their preoccupation with  testing and tracing will be seen more clearly to be the  reactive, overreach, irresponsible  and unproductive approach it has been ..

Now that the panic is nearly over , only the laggard Emperors will  state the obvious without realizing it/ . As they say " we have to live with it " 
 Having done my job of asking questions and seen the mythmaking out of control , I still , as a prevention advisor think I  must have been be mad in tis case , to have thought polys  could moves fast enough to actually be ahead of the fixing game . The Feds haven't helped one bit. 
There were times when my job of changing direction worked . but you have to have the Minister in the palm of your hand at that moment - and i should have realized that the times you get to nip the nonsense in the bud are  not likely to last . I am a slow learner too in some areas - you can tell them , but they won't always listen and other advisors will get his attention.     The majority of advisors move the minority out by sheer weight  , it seems .The simple cultivate the simple .  

'We are going to have to live with it"  Telling us something we suspected when it first started , 
In a move which is calculated to give the leading  ladies man the most points at this time ,  Mr Andrews keeps silent  . 
